, pub-7659628848972808, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Pro Learner: variables in c programming

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Sunday 16 July 2023

variables in c programming

In C programming, a variable is a named location in computer memory used to hold a value that can be modified during the program execution[1](#user-content-fn-1). Variables can have different types, such as integer, floating-point, and character, which determine the kind of data the variable can store[2](#user-content-fn-2). The scope of a variable is the extent of the program code within which the variable can be accessed or declared[1](#user-content-fn-1). Variables can be declared and initialized at the beginning of the program or during the program execution, depending on the program requirements and design[3](#user-content-fn-3).
#### Sources:

1. Source: [GeeksforGeeks]( [↩](#user-content-fnref-1) [↩2](#user-content-fnref-1-2)

2. Source: [W3Schools]( [↩](#user-content-fnref-2)

3. Source: [Tutorialspoint]( [↩](#user-content-fnref-3)

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