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Wednesday, 12 July 2023

termux for hacking

Remote access is a vulnerability through which attackers can control any device. Most commonly, payloads are used for remote control. Payloads are sent through social engineering or phishing attacks. Once the payload is injected, the actual attack begins. The payload will provide a reverse connection. Most commonly, Metasploit framework is used for generating payloads. There are three different types of payload modules in the Metasploit Framework: Singles Stagers Stages. Phishing Attack Structure let’s look at how we can exploit and get remote access to an android device using Metasploit. In android, we need termux to run Metasploit. After installing termux we need to install the Metasploit framework. Termux After installing the Metasploit framework, just run pkg update && pkg upgrade to upgrade your machine. Then type termux-setup-storage to avoid permission-related issues. termux-setup-storage is the command used in termux to provide storage permission. This is done in order to store payload inside the device or to copy payload from termux to mobile. now if you type the ls command you can see a directory named storage. ls stands for list the current directory and is a command used in Linux to list files inside the current directory. Basic Commands: $ pkg update && pkg upgrade $ termux-setup-storage We can generate different types of payloads based on requirements. Let’s first generate a payload to gain access to a device that is connected to the same network. the same network refers to devices connected to each other, either directly or through a mobile hotspot (wireless network). let’s generate a payload named Geeks.apk. Generate payload using following command msfvenom contains standard command-line options used to generate the payload. lhost stands for your IP address. just type ifconfig to know your IP address. lport will be the port number you can enter your own port number.

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