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Monday, 3 July 2023

Roadmap for becoming Back-End Developer

Learn the basics of Internet 1. How does the internet work? 2. What is HTTP & HTTPS? 3. What is Domain Name? 4. What is IP Address? 5. DNS and how it works? 6. What is hosting? 7. What is SMTP? Basics of front-end languages 1. HTML 2. CSS 3. JavaScript Learn a back-end language 1. PHP 2. NodeJS 3. Ruby On Rails 4. Python 5. Go 5. C# Just learn anyone of the above language but make sure you have in-depth understanding of that language. I will recommend NodeJs or PHP. Learn Version Control System 1. Basic Git Commands 2. Repo hosting services I. GitHub II. Gitlab III. Bitbucket Learn about Relational Databases 1. MySQL 2. PostgreSQL 3. MariaDB 4. MS SQL 5. Oracle MySQL is the most popular one. Learn about NoSQL databases 1. MongoDB 2. RethinkDB 3. CouchDB 4. DynamoDB NoSQL are very popular databases. Many startups are opting for NoSQL databases instead of SQL databases. Learn About APIs 1. REST 2. JSON APIs 3. HATOAS 4. Open API Spec and Swagger 5. Authentication 6. GraphQL Learn about caching 1. CDN (Cloud Delivery Network) 2. Server-side caching I. Redis II. Memcached 3. Client-side caching Web Servers 1. Nginx 2. Apache 3. Reverse Proxy Understand web security 1. Hashing Algorithm I. MD5 II. SHA Family III. Scrypt IV. Bcrypt 2. HTTPS 3. CORS 4. SSL/TLS Learn testing 1. Integration Testing 2. Unit Testing 3. Functional Testing Containerization / Virtualization 1. Docker 2. Kubernetes 3. rkt Architectural Patterns 1. Monolithic 2. Microservices 3. Serverless 4. Scaling (Horizontal & Vertical) 5. Load Balancers

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