, pub-7659628848972808, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Pro Learner: Writecodein a function named count, to accepts astring and the letter as arguments.Find the number of times the lettrs appear in the string in python

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Friday 26 February 2021

Writecodein a function named count, to accepts astring and the letter as arguments.Find the number of times the lettrs appear in the string in python

 """Writecodein a function named count, to accepts astring and the letter as arguments.Find the number of times the lettrs appear in the string"""

p=input("Enter string:")
q=input("Enter character to check:")

def check(p,q):
if not p:
return 0
elif p[0]==q:
return 1+check(p[1:],q)
return check(p[1:],q)
print("Count is:")

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