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Sunday 18 October 2020

Operators in java

 The operator set in java is exteremly rich .Broadly,the operator available in java are divided in the following categories...

*Relational operators

*Arthimatical operators

*Logical operators

*Bitwise operators

*Misc operators

*Assignment operators

The Arithmetic operators-

Operators in java are used in essentially the same manner as in algebra .They are used with variables for performing arithmetic operations.

Addition(+)=Add the values of two variables.

Subtraction(-)=Subtracts the values of two variables.

Multiplication(*)=Multiplies the values of two variables.

Division(/)=Divides the values of two variables.

Modulus(%)=The resultant value is the remainder of division.

Increment(++)=Increses the values by 1.

Decrement(--)=Decreases the values by 1.

 The Relational operators--

java also supports several relational operators.the list of relational operators that are supported by java are given below.

Eual To(==)=Compares the values of two variables for equality.

Not Equal To(!=)=Compares the values of two variales for equality.

Lesser Than(<)=Check if one values is lesser than the other values.

Greater Than(>)=Check if one values is greater than the other values.

Greater Than or Eual To(>=)=Checks if one values is greator than  or equal to another vvalues.

Lesser Than or Eual To(<=)=Checks if one values is lesser than or equal tl



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